Let There Be Light: 7 Tips to Get More Natural Light into Your Apartment

Spring is here and it’s time to kick that winter vibe out. Love is in the air. Birds are chirping. A refreshing spring breeze is blowing briskly outside and the sun is shining brightly. So why not let it in?

Here at the luxurious Villa Regale apartments in North McAllen, we know you’re ready to let the light into your life. Natural light is very important in our daily lives. Not only does it lift up our moods and provide us with much needed vitamin D, it helps to make our apartments more upbeat and positive.

Getting natural light into your apartment can seem like a hassle if you don’t have a ton of windows or if you aren’t situated in the perfect location. But with these 7 tips to get more natural light into your digs, you’ll improve your mood, positively affect your sleep, and much more.

Tip 1. Clean those windows.

It’s an often forgotten spot in your house, but dirty windows can really affect the amount of sun coming into your rooms. Naturally, windows are going to accumulate dust over time and if you aren’t cleaning them frequently enough, you’re going to reduce the natural light getting in.

Aim for cleaning the inside of your windows at least once a month and the outside a couple times of year. If you live on a second floor or higher, ask management to see if they’ll provide you this service.

Tip 2. Stop being a those curtains.

We get it. The McAllen metro area is known for its warm weather to say the least. But using those 15th century wool curtains that Count Dracula would be proud of isn’t going to do you any good. When possible, open up those curtains in the early morning or late afternoon to lend your rooms some much needed natural light.

You can also to purchase lightweight fabrics and colors that will still offer you privacy but without inhibiting the flow of light.

Tip 3. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the shiniest of them all?

Mirrors can prove to be both a great decor choice and the perfect reflective surface to increase natural light in your apartment. By placing a mirror on a wall opposite a window, you allows its reflective powers to do what they do best, and extend that beautiful sunshine into all corners of the room.

If you’re really a sunshine fanatic, you can track where light beams reach in your apartment, and place additional mirrors in those places to further circulate the light.

Tip 4. Keep it clean.

Besides just windows and mirrors, you’ll also want to keep other reflective surfaces nice and shiny as well. Make sure to buff those granite kitchen tables and counters, as well as keep stainless steel appliances like fridges and ovens polished too.

Once you start getting some sunlight into these areas, their reflective surfaces are going to help bounce light around, and can improve the ambiance of the room when windows are limited.

Tip 5. Don’t block the windows.

This may seem like common sense but it’s an easily forgotten rule when trying to increase natural light. Don’t place any furniture or structures in the way of window. In a perfect scenario, you should be able to see your entire window regardless of where you are standing or sitting at.

You should also avoid placing any bulky items on your windowsills as they can create large shadows and obstruct light from entering into the room properly.

Tip 6. Who doesn’t like shiny things?

We’re not talking about gold and silver here (but heck, that would work too). Shiny and transparent novelty items can help further help to reflect light and make the room appear naturally lighter. Glass, brass, photo frames, shiny tiles—all these things can spruce up your decor and make a room brighter.

Tip 7. OK Darth Vader...enough with all the black and gray!

Sure, we all go through our teenage angst when black seems to be the perfect color to match our mood. But we’re adults now and it’s time to lighten up a bit—figuratively and literally.

When you are out shopping for furniture and decorations, consider purchasing lighter-shaded items. White and lighter shades reflect light, while black and dark colors merely absorb it. Tables, chairs, couches, curtains, and rugs can all make for a cooler ambiance and help to lighten up the entire apartment.

Let a little light into your life at Villa Regale luxury apartments.

Are you ready to get out of this dingy, dark, and dreary apartments and into a brand new luxury apartment that screams—LIFE! Well, then Villa Regale is the perfect place for you to enjoy some of that life-giving sun.

Our spacious floor plans are optimally designed for great natural lighting and aesthetic beauty. Plus, we offer a 24-hour state-of-the-art fitness center, a resort-style pool, a gorgeous outdoor BBQ area, and more. Let’s not forget our perfect location in North McAllen means you’re close to work, amenities, and all the action you can expect in a dynamic urban environment.

Are you ready to see the light? Contact Villa Regale today at (956) 213-8888 to find out more about leasing and availability.