7 Exercises You Can Do (Quietly) in Your Apartment

Working out quietly in the privacy of your apartment to stay healthy.  

Was your 2017 resolution to start working out a little bit more? Well, the luxurious apartments of Villa Regale offer a 24-hour state-of-the-art fitness center to help you get back into shape.

But if you prefer to do some simple workouts in the comfort of your own apartment, we also have you covered with these 7 exercises. It is important to remember though that you have to be careful about what exercises you’ll be doing since you don’t want to share your workout enthusiasm (and all that noise) with your neighbors.

Below are some highly effective (but quiet) exercises that’ll give you a great full-body workout without your neighbors hearing a racket.

1. Classic push-ups - This traditional move is great for your arms, shoulders, and chest muscles. Plus, it’s a very quiet, low-impact move that doesn’t require tons of movement. To perform a push-up, keep your legs straight back, place your arms slightly wider than your shoulders, and lower yourself to the floor without flaring out your elbows too much. If you want to modify the exercise, keep your knees on the floor and allow them to serve as a base to help you with lowering and lifting yourself.

2. Climb those stairs - Walk-ups offer the perfect opportunity to burn some calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness. You can alternate between single-stair and double-stair climbing to work on different muscles. Just make sure to do this one at an appropriate time of day (avoid early mornings or late nights).

3. Planks - Planks are excellent for your core, can be done without a lot of room, and don’t require much movement, which means less noise. To complete a plank, you will want to assume a push-up position, but instead of coming up on your hands, you will keep your forearms and elbows on the floor. With your arms shoulder-width apart, use your feet to hold your legs up, and lift up your core to have your body form a straight line. Try to hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds without curving your back or allowing your hips to sag.     

3. Air squats - If you want an exercise to strengthen and shape your thighs and glutes, then air squats are the perfect tool. Start by standing straight up with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing at an outward angle. Arms can be by your side or out straight in front of you. Once you are in this position, begin to bend your knees and perform a sitting motion, keeping your back straight. If you started with your arms at your side, you can begin to extend them in front of you to help you balance. Try to focus on keeping your weight on your heels and your feet flat. If possible, lower yourself to a complete sitting position with your thighs parallel to the floor, or as close as you can (don’t hurt yourself). Once you’ve gotten down as far as you can manage, begin to straighten your legs to lift yourself back up.

4. Yoga - If you’re looking for something that blends mind and body, then yoga is a great solution. This form of exercise and meditation can be performed in any apartment and really doesn’t require much besides a yoga mat (if even that). There are tons of free yoga videos online (like Yoga with Adriene) that provide everything from beginner’s positions to advanced movements.

5. Strength training - A set of dumbbells are an excellent tool to own and can be used in a bevy of exercises. Plus, they can be easily stored in your closet or under your bed. Some common exercises include bicep curls, shoulder raises, chest presses, walking lunges, and squats.

6. Crunches - Who doesn’t want their abs ready for beach season? Toe-touch crunches can help you get that core nice and tight. Start by laying on your back, pointing your legs up towards the ceiling, and placing your arms beside your ears. Work those abs by lifting your arms towards your feet and touching your toes.

7. Mountain climbers - Mountain climbers are another great exercise that works out a number of muscles. Beginning in the push-up stance, you’ll want to have your arms shoulder-width apart and your body in a plank position. Begin to alternately draw your knees up to your chest as if you are about to sprint. Attempt this move in bursts of 30 seconds. Mountain climbers help strengthen your abs and lower body, as well as improve your cardio.

Make moving to Villa Regale part of your 2017 resolutions.

With spacious one and two bedroom floor plans, the Villa Regale apartments of North McAllen are the perfect option for those searching for elegance and luxury. Every home offers granite countertops, walk-in closets, Himalaya Beige tile, and designer light fixtures.

Plus our prime location in the heart of McAllen means you’re never far from the best shopping, dining, and entertainment in the city. Contact us today at (956) 213-8888 for your leasing inquiries.
